<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/030c9595-29aa-4428-a158-4fb5c38c2276/Frame_131.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/030c9595-29aa-4428-a158-4fb5c38c2276/Frame_131.png" width="40px" /> 위챗 미니프로그램중국 보세구역을 통한 한국 상품의 중국 역직구 플랫폼 사업을 운영하고 있습니다.



MAKER PICKER 坚信好物值得承载更多的关注和分享。在认可并尊重独立设计与原创品牌的基础上,与设计师、品牌共同携手将品质生活从“仪式”浸润为“习惯”,重塑人们本就值得拥有的更好日常。


MAKER PICKER,Live the life you love.

MAKER PICKER is devoted to offering high-quality items that blowing a fresh wind of coziness and freedom into your daily life.

MAKER PICKER firmly believes that good things deserve more attention and sharing. On the basis of recognizing and respecting independent design and original brands, we will work with designers and brands to infiltrate the quality of life from "ceremony" to "habit", and reshape the better daily life that people deserve.

We explore order in disorder and respect every design.

Live the life you love.

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MAKER PICKER & 위챗 공중계정

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Favorite. Bye 2021 · 1月好物

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